

Welcome To Merton International School


Raising a Standard of Excellence

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Merton International School happily announces the celebration of  20 glorious years of its founding with the theme “20 years of quality International Education, consolidating the present, breaking boundaries.”

Anniversaries customarily offer opportunities for recollections of the years gone by and positive reflections for the years ahead. These past years have been happy and successful in many ways. There have been moments of happy memories, supportive friendships and enduring relationships. We have nurtured young minds who have gone on to achievement in Medicine, PR and Media Relations, Law, IT, Food Sciences, Aeronautical Engineering, International Relations, in the Arts, Politics, Architecture, Business, Administration, etc. The process of nurturing these brilliant and multi-talented minds and molding them into what they have achieved today with the help of God has been most fulfilling. Of course, there have also been some paths that may have been slightly more difficult to travel together; developing the school’s infrastructure in phases over the years had its attendant challenges, and  yet despite the odd stumbling blocks along the way, we have travelled through together, been supportive and encouraging and enduring.

As we take the time to express our gratitude to God for the years gone by, we turn expectantly to the years that lie ahead. We look forward to the many more years (a time) to create and cherish even more shared memories and a time filled with dreams that are brought ever closer. As we celebrate 20 years as a school, we value even more, the special people that we are able to share this occasion with. The past and present Staff, Parents, Students and Stakeholders have all contributed to this beautiful 20 year expedition.

We shall mark this anniversary year with a series of celebratory events. The first of which was the 20th Anniversary launch, on the 28th  September 2017, followed by the Harvest and Thanksgiving Service on the 19th October 2017.  The Merton Ambassador Project, which is one of the Flagships of our Community Service initiatives will be relaunched this anniversary year. We will be making our debut on the main stage, with the Musical ‘Esther’ in March 2018. Simply Music which will climax our year-long celebration will be a performance of students and Guest Artists who will together praise and thank God for his goodness and mercies to the Merton Family.

We hope you will all be with us as we commemorate this Anniversary Year.

We also look to forward to a future of greater achievement, leaving a mark in each young fertile mind who passes through the walls of Merton; who will become a future leader of this nation. The imprint we want to leave on their minds is that above all, Merton taught them the fear of God and service to mankind.

Merton International School, “Soaring High like an Eagle, Raising a standard of Excellence”!!!