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Primary Programme
The program at the primary level is based on the Cambridge International Primary Programme (CIPP). Teaching in the Primary School is inspired by the five Cambridge learner attributes: Confident, Responsible, Reflective, Innovative, and Engaged. Courses at the Primary level include English, Mathematics, Science, French, History, Geography, ICT, P.E., Art, Music, and PSHE. In the Lower Primary (Classes 1 to 3), students have daily lessons in English and Mathematics. Throughout the year, pupils cover a broad range of topics based on the CIPP curriculum. Although not all topics in History and Geography are exclusively about Ghana, care is taken to make these subjects relevant to our African context, ensuring that students learn about both Ghanaian and African history at this level.
Art, French, P.E., and Music are additional subjects on the timetable and are taught by specialists. Physical Education is conducted once a week by a specialized P.E. teacher, focusing on developing the children’s speed and endurance, improving their coordination, and fostering teamwork through athletics and ball games. Participation in P.E. is compulsory unless a pupil is medically unfit.
The three-year educational program in Upper Primary prepares students for entry into secondary school. The content is comparable to that offered in preparatory schools in Britain and is based on the CIPP, along with elements of the British National Curriculum and the Ghanaian Curriculum. In Classes 4, 5, and 6, subjects include Mathematics, English, History, Geography, French, Music, Science, Art, P.E., PSHE, and ICT. Some subjects are taught by class teachers, while French, ICT, Art, Music, and P.E. are taught by specialists.
In Class 6, all subjects are taught by specialists. However, each class has a teacher who supervises activities and is responsible for the overall well-being of the pupils in their care.
Class 6 subjects include English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, French, Art, Music, P.E., ICT, and PSHE. The history syllabus offers students an opportunity to study significant individuals and events, with a focus on Ghanaian history, as well as themes in African and World History. Class 6 Geography is divided into Regional and Physical Geography, where pupils learn about natural phenomena associated with the earth’s surface and the interaction between human activities and the environment, with an emphasis on the geography of West Africa, particularly Ghana.
In Primary Year 6, pupils take the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint assessments in English, Mathematics, and Science. The Cambridge Primary Checkpoint is designed to evaluate learners at the end of the Cambridge Primary program, providing valuable feedback on their strengths and weaknesses before they progress to the next stage of education. It also offers schools an external international benchmark for learner performance. Each learner receives a statement of achievement from Cambridge, although tests in Science, Social Studies, History, Geography, and French are designed by the teachers.

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Our child has settled in very well after my initial apprehension. His confidence level keeps growing. I am fully satisfied with the training being acquired here. I have no regret in bringing William to Merton.
Merton Parent